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Solar system: the Sun & planets

The Sun Today

Author: Claudio Vita-Finzi
Publishing date: 2019
There are several billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. One of them is the middle-aged G2V yellow dwarf that rules our lives. The Sun Today discusses the Sun's appearance and composition, its internal workings, and the various kinds of radiation it emits, and it puts forward a novel explanation for coronal heating. The book draws on the findings of telescopic observation, space missions, and technical and theoretical advances in many fields, and shows why we need to know more if we are to understand and manage our foothold in the Universe.From the reviews of other books by Claudio Vita-Finzi:The Sun - A User's Manual (2008)....this, jargon-free, concise, beautifully illustrated and eminently readable book... D.W. Hughes, Times Literary SupplementSolar History
54.00 zł
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