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Family & health

15 Minute Fitness

Author: DK
Efua Baker
Suzanne Martin
Publishing date: 2017
Try It! 15 Minute Fitness packs calorie burning exercises into quick workouts to do at home, allowing you to boost your fitness levels without the expensive gym membership. With a high-intensity mix of stretching and calorie burning workouts, Try It! 15 Minute Fitness will help you squat, sprint, kick, and even arabesque your way to a fitter body. Choose from over 100 quick exercises to create your own workout, combining styles including boxing, aerobics, running, and freestyle. With step-by-step photography to keep your moves on point, Try It! 15 Minute Fitness ensures that you'll always have the time to keep fit and feel fantastic. Previous ISBN 9781405372015
51.00 zł
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15 Minute Home Workouts

Author: DK
Publishing date: 2010
If you want to workout at home effectively but don't have the time, find out how by following this home workout book and DVD set Forget gyms, expensive kit, and hours of punishing fitness regimes; choose from a range of 15-minute Pilates, Yoga and Abs Workouts, Back Exercises and Strength-Training programmes and get your body tip top in no time. Clear at-a-glance photos show you exactly what to do and the live action 60 minute DVD demonstrates a choice of workouts to suit your fitness needs and mood. A total fitness package - exercising at home has never been easier or quicker!
85.05 zł
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A Pocket Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias

Author: James Warner
Nori Graham
Publishing date: 2018
Including key information on different types of dementia, this concise pocket-sized book lets you know about the symptoms to look out for, guides you through the diagnosis process and explains the treatments available. Like having a GP in your pocket, it also offers expert advice for living day-to-day with dementia, and where to go to get support.
51.00 zł
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Atkins for Life Next Level

Author: Robert Atkins
Robert C Atkins
Publishing date: 2003
For decades the Atkins diet has been at the centre of medical controversy. But now important new studies from leading academics are showing what millions of followers already knew - that eating the Atkins way is not only delicious, it's a safe and effective plan for shedding pounds for good. And you don't have to give up eating carbs completely to follow it! Whether you've never tried Atkins, or you have but had difficulty 'staying on' the plan, Dr. Atkins for Life is for you. Filled with advice and tips on navigating the every day challenges that come with eating low-carb in a high-carb world, the book provides a simple and straightforward maintenance program that anyone can follow. With Atkins For Life, finding your ideal weight and staying there has never been so
62.00 zł
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Lo Esencial de Atkins

Author: A Health
Atkins Health & Medical Information Serv
Atkins Health & Medical Information Services
Publishing date: 2004
47.00 zł
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Baby Tips for Grandparents

Author: Simon Brett
Publishing date: 2017
The nine months is up and the new baby is finally here! But what do you do when your darling child calls to ask you to play babysitter? You've been through it all before and then some, but with the help of this quirky little book you'll be sailing through those unexpected play dates with your nerves and your furniture intact. With top tips on navigating the new grandparental responsibilities and pithy one-liners about the truths of grandparenting, Baby Tips for Grandparents is the perfect gift for any new nan or grandad.
34.00 zł
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Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Publishing date: 2007
Whatever you need to know, find the answer quickly and easily Just what the doctor ordered - the only full colour illustrated dictionary with easy-to-follow explanations for over 5,000 medical terms. From exploring a dental abscess diagram to discovering the symptoms and causes of asthma, stay one step ahead of your families ailments following this A-Z guide. Find the latest information on anatomical terms, disorders, tests and drugs so whatever you're dealing with, you're fully in the know. A must have for your family bookshelf.
28.00 zł
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Complete Family Health Guide New Medicine

Author: David Peters
Publishing date: 2005
The only balanced and comprehensive guide to the best health treatments for you and your family. At-a-glance health plans detail every condition and explain how to safely and effectively combine conventional and complementary treatments for the best results. Written by a team of experts providing clear, reliable advice and supported by the latest clinical research, New Medicine is the definitive guide for modern family care.
121.00 zł
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Cosmetic Surgery Companion

Author: Antonia Mariconda
M Antonia
Publishing date: 2010
Cosmetic surgery is no longer the exclusive preserve of the rich and famous: millions of people seek surgery every year to remove scars and blemishes, streamline the body shape and slow down the ageing process. But unbiased information about the realities of cosmetic surgery and whether it is necessary can be hard to come by. An essential resource for those in search of the body beautiful, this book tackles every question the layman might have and also considers alternative options to surgery. The Cosmetic Surgery Companion describes the surgical options available for improving each body zone, providing detailed information and clear illustrations explaining the surgery itself as well as the necessary before- and aftercare. The important thing is to make an informed
90.30 zł
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Naughty Knots

Author: Gift Potter
Potter Style
Publishing date: 2013
67.00 zł -13.68% 57.83 zł
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New Nutrition

Author: Michael Colgan
Publishing date: 1996
58.80 zł
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Dating and Mating in a Techno-Driven World

Author: Rachel Hoffman
Publishing date: 2018
Authored by a sex therapist who regularly works with clients wanting to improve their relationships, this book explains how technology can create conflict or additional anxiety and discloses techniques to help individuals gain confidence or strengthen their personal relationships. The statistics are telling: 85 percent of all adults use the Internet; 88 percent use email; 91 percent own cell phones; 56 percent own smartphones; 73 percent send and receive text messages; and 67 percent use social networking sites. The advent of personal communication devices and ubiquitous connectivity has dramatically shifted the way we communicate, and as a result, the way we date and pursue relationships has changed. The share of 18- to 24-year-olds who use online dating has roughly
145.01 zł
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Feed Your Fitness

Author: Karlien Duvenage
Rowena Visagie
Shelly Meltzer
Publishing date: 2016
Trying to get fit and looking for healthy, fresh sources of carbs and protein - fast?Sports nutrition cookbook Feed your Fitness is full of recipes and advice to help you be at your best at every stage of your fitness journey: practice, competition, and recovery.No need to fill your body with processed energy bars and gels: Feed Your Fitness gives you easy-to-cook meals that taste great and prepare you for anything.With over 80 easy-to-prepare recipes, such as strawberry and yogurt ice lollies, teriyaki salmon, lean steak, and brown rice stir-fry, you will get the nutrition you need, along with time-saving tips and strategies to make sure you get the most out of your training time and ensure you're eating the best, even on the go.Feed Your Fitness also offers shopping
66.00 zł
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First Aid Fast for Babies and Children

Author: DK
Publishing date: 2017
Do you know what to do if your baby or child falls and cuts their arm? Are you confident to identify when an illness is serious? First Aid Fast for Babies and Children is a step-by-step guide that helps you treat babies and children for more than 100 conditions and injuries. This book guides you through essential initial care that can prove tremendously important to preserve life and improve the recovery process. The detailed guidelines are accompanied by step-by-step images for clear, easy-to-follow instructions. From first aid for cuts and bruises to treating a child who is unresponsive, this book covers all emergency situations that you may face. Clear symbols highlight key areas and draw your attention to areas of concern. The cross-reference boxes on a page
56.00 zł
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First Aid Manual

Author: DK
Publishing date: 2016
The UK's only fully authorized first aid guide is packed with step-by-step first aid advice, from emergency first aid and first aid for babies and children, to the latest guidelines on resuscitation, helping a drowning casualty, and snake bites. First Aid Manual is endorsed by St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid, the British Red Cross, and is used as the official training manual for the UK's leading first aid organisations' courses. Find out how to treat over 100 different conditions from splinters and sprained ankles to strokes and unresponsiveness, and learn how to use essential equipment including a defibrillator. Step-by-step photography, all shot in-situ to reflect real-life issues, shows you what to do in any situation. The bestselling First Aid Manual
71.00 zł
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Gym-Free and Toned

Author: Nathan Jendrick
Publishing date: 2012
Get toned and slim without the gym Gym-Free and Toned provides workouts and exercises that can be performed with minimal or no equipment. So for whatever reason you can't go to a gym, this book will provide you with an array of options so you can get an invigorating and effective workout. Olympic trainer, Nathan Jendrick, takes you through 160 exercises organised into 35 complete workouts and 12 cardio routines, providing you with bodybuilding and toning routines that give gym-equivalent results. Step-by-step photographs carefully show each exercise with detailed instruction. Multiple workouts are provided so that you have many routines to choose from and won't get bored. You'll also find nutrition and supplementation guidance to ensure you get the maximum benefit
72.00 zł
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High-Intensity Interval Training for Women

Author: Sean Bartram
Publishing date: 2015
By alternating between intense bursts of exercise and less-intense periods of activity, the body burns more calories - even after working out - in less time compared to traditional forms of exercise. This step-by-step guide is packed with exercises, workouts, and multi-day programs to satisfy every fitness goal and any time commitment.
66.00 zł
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Author: Michael Goldstein
Sam Goldstein
Publishing date: 1994
Deals with children who experience problems paying attention, controlling their emotions and physical actions and acting without forethought. Helps parents and professionals to accept the hyperactive child's behavior and find ways to help the child succeed. Refutes, debunks and challenges myths about hyperactivity. Provides an accurate understanding of the current state of science concerning the cause, developmental course, evaluation and outcome of this problem. Includes a critical review of medical and non-medical treatments and offers sound guidelines.
57.00 zł
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