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Religion & beliefs

A World Religions Reader

Author: Christy Lohr Sapp
Ian Markham
Publishing date: 2020
A comprehensive and accessible textbook which explores the traditions and beliefs of the world's living religions - the fully updated and revised new edition The World Religions Reader is an inclusive, student-friendly examination of the history, teaching, practices, and appeal of the world's major religions. Covering both the fundamentals and complexities of each religious tradition, this popular textbook brings together significant texts from scriptures and scholars, as well as writings from philosophers and other significant thinkers throughout history. Students are provided with an introduction and overview of the tradition, taken through its primary texts, and presented with a text which seeks to persuade the student of the tradition's merits. This new edition
145.01 zł
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Al-Britannia, My Country

Author: James Fergusson
Publishing date: 2017
'A SERIOUSLY NECESSARY BOOK.' ROWAN WILLIAMS, FORMER ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY 'A MUST READ.' MIQDAAD VERSI, MUSLIM COUNCIL OF BRITAIN 'A COMPELLING AND COMPASSIONATE SURVEY OF BRITISH ISLAM.' THE GUARDIAN 'A TIMELY BOOK.' BARONESS WARSI 'HUGELY IMPORTANT.' PETER OBORNE 'HEARTENING.' DAVID ANDERSON QC In this groundbreaking book, James Fergusson travels the length of Britain to explore our often misunderstood Muslim communities, and to experience life on both sides of our increasingly segregated society. The face of Britain is changing. The Muslim population has more than doubled over the last twenty years, and is projected to do so again over the next twenty. A societal shift of this size and speed has inevitably brought
97.00 zł
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Church of Women

Author: Dorothy Hodgson
Publishing date: 2005
A gendered consideration of cultural change and the religious encounter among the Maasai.
89.00 zł
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Classic Christmas

Author: HarperCollins
Packager Mark Gilroy Creative
Publishing date: 2009
51.45 zł
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Eagle & the Cross

Author: John Radzilowski
Publishing date: 2003
Lavishly illustrated, the book tells the story of the men and women, laity and clergy, who built and sustained the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America from 1873 to today.
146.00 zł
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Amoris Laetitia and the spirit of Vatican II

Author: Mariusz Biliniewicz
Mariusz Biliniewicz
Publishing date: 2020
This work links the notion of "the spirit of Vatican II" with Amoris Laetitia and it argues that a hermeneutics of interpretation of the Second Vatican Council which focuses on following "the spirit of the Council" is the hermeneutics which can be, and in the future most likely will be the predominant way of interpreting and implementing of Amor
97.00 zł
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Ancient Education and Early Christianity

Publishing date: 2018
What was the relationship of ancient education to early Christianity? This volume provides an in-depth look at different approaches currently employed by scholars who draw upon educational settings in the ancient world to inform their historical research in Christian origins. The book is divided into two sections: one consisting of essays on education in the ancient world, and one consisting of exegetical studies dealing with various passages where motifs emerging from ancient educational culture provide illumination. The chapters summarize the state of the discussion on ancient education in classical and biblical studies, examine obstacles to arriving at a comprehensive theory of early Christianity's relationship to ancient education, compare different approaches,
157.88 zł
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Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions v 2

Author: Graham Davies
Graham Davies
Publishing date: 2004
This second volume provides a comprehensive collection of the numerous texts in ancient Hebrew outside the Bible which have recently become known to scholars. The concordance provides an easy way to discover which Hebrew words and proper names occur in non-biblical sources and helps to widen the basis for Hebrew language study.
637.57 zł
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Brother of Jesus

Author: H Shanks
Witherington Shanks
Publishing date: 2003
Towards the end of 2002, Andre Lemaire, from the Sorbonne, discovered, whilst visiting a Jewish antiquities dealer, an ossuary - or bone box - which bears the inscription "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus". This discovery immediately caused widespread international interest and it was heralded as the most important archaeological discovery ever about Jesus.In The Brother of Jesus, Hershel Shanks, who has been at the forefront in making archaeological discoveries known and understood by the public (for example, the Dead Sea Scrolls) joins forces with renowned scholar Ben Witherington to recount the discovery and the authentication of the ossuary in compelling detail. After having examined the scientific evidence and the palaeography of the inscription, Hershel
89.00 zł
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Author: Gompertz Ron
Ron Gompertz
Publishing date: 2006
Christmas meets Hanukkah for millions of mixed-faith families - who deck their trees with Stars of David and spin the dreidel under mistletoe. Here is a lavishly illustrated and endlessly entertaining guide to celebrating Chrismukkah, the "merry mish-mash holiday." A veritable cornucopia of seasonal delights, this handy lifestyle guide walks us through the Chrismukkah events, history and lore. You'll learn about hybrid holiday traditions in decorating (ornaments, wreaths, menorahs, dreidels); innovative tchotchkes (Chrismukkah cards, stockings, lights); and a plethora of menorah options. Plus, the book includes rollicking games to play and songs to sing, along with easy-to-follow recipes for Latkes with Sugar Plum Fairy Sauce, General Saul's Chicken, Mama Mia Matzah
57.75 zł
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Colossians: An Earth Bible Commentary

Author: Victoria Balabanski
Publishing date: 2020
Vicky Balabanski analyses Colossians as a co-authored letter, written during Paul's Roman imprisonment by Timothy with the input of Epaphras, and sent with Paul's introductory and concluding greetings. Balabanski sees remarkable resonances between the cosmology of this letter and that of Stoic thought, the most widely held philosophy in first century Asia Minor. Drawing upon the way Stoic thinkers saw the divine Spirit permeating reality and sought to attune their lives to the Logos, divine reason, she argues that the Logos of Christ - the Gospel - was welcomed by small groups of people shaped by Stoic thought, and they experienced Christ as the visible expression of the One God who permeates reality. The Letter to the Colossians has the highest view of Christ of any
457.00 zł
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Conversation Matters

Author: Peter Shaw
Publishing date: 2005
This book recaptures the real art of conversation, drawing on the example of Jesus, structured for use during Lent by both individuals and groups. The modern email and sound-bite culture is threatening the art of good conversation. Encounters between people are frequently brief, with minimal dialogue and superficial engagement. Yet conversation is communication. Without it, people lose contact, stop understanding one another, become isolated. Peter Shaw challenges his readers to rediscover the art of conversation by learning from the example of Jesus. Engaging, stimulating and instructive, good conversation can be more than just enjoyable: it can have far-reaching effects. Divided into seven chapters, the book is intended for use during Lent although is not restricted
58.00 zł
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Dictionary of Christian Biography

Author: Michael Walsh
Publishing date: 2001
This dictionary is a rapid reference to those men and women who have, over the last two millennia, contributed to the life, history and study of Christianity in all its facets, regardless of denomination. Entries are concise and accessible but for key influential figures longer essays have been written. They range from major biblical figures to those still living. Care has been taken to avoid a too-Western orientation in the choice of those included, with in-depth coverage of Africa, India and China as well as Orthodoxy, Greek and Russian. The dictionary is designed for use in many different contexts: as a home reference for general readers interested in church history and the study of the Christian faith, and in libraries and studies for students, researchers and
68.00 zł
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Economic Morality and Jewish Law

Author: Aaron Levine
Aaron Levine
Publishing date: 2012
Economic Morality and Jewish Law compares the way in which welfare economics and Jewish law determine the propriety of an economic action, whether by a private citizen or the government. Issues explored include negative externalities, price controls, the lemons problem, the living wage, and short selling.
288.50 zł
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Exile and Restoration in Jewish Thought

Author: Ralph Keen
Publishing date: 2009
"Exile and Restoration in Jewish Thought" presents the history of an idea originating at the intersection of Judaic piety and the social history of the Jews: faith in a protective sovereign deity amid contrary conditions. Exiled primordially (Eden), during the Patriarchal era, in the sixth century bce, and from the first century to the twentieth, the Jewish experience of alienation has been the historical backdrop against which affirmations of divine benevolence have been constructed. While histories of Jewish thought have tended to accentuate the speculative creativity of medieval and modern Jewish philosophers, the intellectual tradition can come into focus only with attention to these thinkers' understanding of diaspora and persecution. Ralph Keen describes the
380.10 zł
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God Is a Question, Not an Answer

Author: William Irwin
Publishing date: 2019
Uncertainty is the essence of the human condition, and nothing is more uncertain than God. Yet passions run hot when it comes to God, both among believers and non-believers. God is a Question, Not an Answer aims to unsettle readers on both sides of the issue. William Irwin argues that because belief occurs along a continuum of doubt and we can never reach full certainty, believers and non-believers can find common ground in uncertainty. Beginning with the questions of what we mean when we talk about God and faith, Irwin shows that from a philosophical perspective, the tendency to doubt is a virtue, and from a religious perspective there is no faith without doubt. Rather than avoid uncertainty as an uncomfortable state of emotional despair, we should embrace it as an
81.00 zł
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God of Intimacy and Action

Author: Mary Albert Darling
Tony Campolo
Publishing date: 2008
Praise for The God of Intimacy and Action "Tony Campolo...and Mary Darling...are like gunpowder and a spark. The result is a dynamite book that many have been waiting a long time for." -Relevant Magazine "In 25 years, when we look back as journalists chronicling this era of religious reawakening-this book likely will turn up as a classic...This book is both a manifesto-and a sturdy guidebook-for the journey of reclaiming much that has been lost." -David Crumm, founder of Read the Spirit "Tony Campolo and Mary Darling...are two first rate minds grappling with classical and contemporary theology, and then adding to that a set of concrete practices...The Network of Spiritual Progressives (including those of us who are not Christian) can draw much wisdom and guidance from
59.85 zł
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God's New Man John Paul II's Leacy & the Election of the New

Author: Paul Collins
Publishing date: 2005
Rushed out to mark the election of the new Pontiff, here is a book with three distinct purposes - an assessment of Pope John Paul II, an account of the Conclave, and a portrait of the new Pope. This compelling new book is an assessment of Pope John Paul II, an account of the Conclave and a portrait of the new Pope written by one of the most experienced and perceptive commentators on the Catholic Church in the modern world. The dramatic events leading up to the appearance of white smoke over the Vatican and the public declaration from the balcony of St Peter's- Habemus Papam- has been the most remarkable yet in the election of any Pontiff. The demise of Pope John Paul II was anticipated ever since he was rushed to Gemelli hospital on February 1st. Now he has died, the
79.00 zł
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