Amoris Laetitia and the spirit of Vatican II

Amoris Laetitia and the spirit of Vatican II

This work links the notion of "the spirit of Vatican II" with Amoris Laetitia and it argues that a hermeneutics of interpretation of the Second Vatican Council which focuses on following "the spirit of the Council" is the hermeneutics which can be, and in the future most likely will be the predominant way of interpreting and implementing of Amor
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This work links the notion of "the spirit of Vatican II" with Amoris Laetitia and it argues that a hermeneutics of interpretation of the Second Vatican Council which focuses on following "the spirit of the Council" is the hermeneutics which can be, and in the future most likely will be the predominant way of interpreting and implementing of Amor

Introduction Chapter 1: Difficulties in interpreting Vatican II Chapter 2. The spirit and style of the Vatican II 2.1. Ambiguities in the texts - toward "creative fidelity" 2.2. A matter of style (language event) Chapter 3. Amoris Laetita and the "spirit of Vatican II" 3.1. Ambiguities in the texts - towards "creative fidelity" 3.2. A matter of style (language event) Conclusion